April 1, 2010 — E-Learning

Dear Faculty and Staff,

Since the adoption of the university’s strategic plan, we have put into motion several new initiatives that directly support our eight strategic imperatives:  (1) strengthening student recruitment and enrollment processes; (2) enhancing student engagement and success (3) facilitating quality teaching and learning; (4) supporting the research portfolio of our community of scholars; (5) preparing our students to thrive as global citizens; (6) creating an institution our stakeholders will highly regard; (7) optimizing administrative effectiveness and efficiency; and (8) fostering economic and community development.  Recent enhancements to our recruiting efforts, announcement of the QEP, an economic impact study and active involvement with local community partners are just some of the actions steps taken thus far to implement the strategic plan.

I am pleased to announce that the university continues to move forward on these eight imperatives.  Through the creation of an Office of Distance Learning, the hiring of its director, and the formation of a Distance Learning Leadership Council, we have committed to becoming a premier provider of electronically delivered courses and degree programs.  This move, with its focus on quality teaching and learning and student enrollment, is consistent with our strategic plan.

Recent mandates by our governing boards have made it clear that universities will need to make important and fundamental changes in providing services to students and ensuring student access and success.  Broader delivery of instruction electronically will allow us to grow our enrollment through a mostly untapped market of returning adult learners, as well as provide additional opportunities to our existing and potential population of traditional students.

It is important to note the following:

  1. The university will maintain the integrity and quality of its academic offerings regardless of whether they are delivered in person, online or in a hybrid or accelerated format.
  2. Online learning offers faculty and students more access and flexibility.
  3. Online learning will not replace face-to-face learning.

As this initiative matures,  I am confident that the work underway by the Distance Learning Leadership Council, its Action Teams and Task Forces will achieve our goals.

Our Provost, Dr. Landry, will provide a more detailed explanation to the academic units.  For more frequent updates, I invite you to follow the Director of Distance Learning, Dr. Luke Dowden, on Twitter at ullafayette_on.


E. Joseph Savoie



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Dear Faculty & Staff,

The theme for this year’s Employee Appreciation Week affirms my sincere belief that it is indeed people who make an institution great.  Along with our students, our employees are our greatest resource and do indeed make the difference at Â鶹ҹÊÐ.